Find the Picture Book

Find the Field Journals

Find the Sketchbooks

Find the Book Bag

Find the Stickers

Find the Water Bottle

Welcome to the Familiar Finders Society!


"Every Witch needs a familiar.

One or more, in fact.

They help them with their magic.

Together, they form a pact."


The Familiar Finders Society seeks out and observes magical creatures found in nature.

Anyone can become a member so long as you have a love of nature, a kind heart and an open mind! 


“Familiars are magical creatures,

that only few can see.

They can look like any common pet

to folk like you and me.


But there are some,

with the gift of sight,

Who can see the truth within.

Want to learn about them?

Alright then, let's begin…”

The Oath of the Finder

“So what do you think?

Do you have the sight?

Could you be a finder?

I bet you just might!


Will you go into nature,

with a kind heart and open mind?

Don't forget YOUR journal

to record the things YOU find.”


Anyone can become a member so long as you have a love of nature, a kind heart and an open mind! 


In the Familiar Finders Society, we believe in using our imagination alongside observation skills to see the truth that lies within magical beings known as Familiars. We encourage journaling, writing, sketching and doodling your observations.

Look beyond what you see with your eyes!