
Considerations to make when choosing the names of approaches for your setting. You will want the name of the approach to make sense to the players and fit the theme of the setting. You will want them to be broad enough to be interpreted by the players, no two heroes will view an approach exactly the same way. 



  • What do they know through education? (Booksmarts, Knowledge, Lore, etc.)
  • What do they know through experience? (Streetsmarts, Cunning, Savvy, etc.)
  • How do they use their mind to solve problems? (Critical thinking, Investigation, etc.)
  • How do they interact with the technologies of the setting? (Magic, Science, Tech, etc)



  • How do they use their body to move or maneuver? (Speed, Reflexes, Agility, etc)
  • How do they use their body to exert physical force? (Brawn, Strength, etc.)
  • How do they maneuver in physical combat? (Skirmish, Fght, Defend, etc.)
  • How do they control their hand eye coordination? (Dexterity, Aim, Target, etc.)



  • How do they focus their mind? (Concentration, Willpower, Focus, etc.)
  • How do they socially interact with others? (Influence, Sway, Charm, Intimidate, etc)
  • How do they read others or situations? (Social Awareness, Insight, Intuition, etc.)
  • How do they interpret their physical senses? (Sense, Perception, Awareness, etc.)