Game Changers

Game Changers are a narrative resource that players can use to add beneficial circumstances into a scene or story. Game Changers cannot directly impact dice rolls and they require the Facilitator’s approval before they are added to the story. The term “Game Changer” is meant to be the generic placeholder for the player resource. Each setting should have it’s own name for these, though you can keep Game Changers if you like. The thought behind changing the name to fit the setting is so that it helps tie players to the style and tone of the game. For instance, if you are playing during the golden age of piracy, perhaps “Luck” would be more fitting. If you are playing as Viking, perhaps “Fate” or “Runes” would work. If you are playing the game in person, using physical components can sometimes add value to the game, like using actual coins or rune stones. It’s up to you to make them your own.


Earning Game Changers

Players can earn Game Changers when they roll two or more levels above the CL on their action rolls. They can also be awarded by the Facilitator for player actions, such as playing to their hero’s struggles despite the disadvantages, or if a hero does something really awesome that drives the story forward. Game Changers cannot alter Action Rolls or Challenges directly, so there is no harm in awarding them to players. 


Using Game Changers

Players can ask to use Game Changers at any time. This should be done by asking the Facilitator if they can use a Game Changer. The reason the Facilitator needs to approve Game Changers is because they are also responsible for managing the spotlight. So if another hero is in the middle of an action or a player is describing something, the Facilitator might ask the player who wants to use a Game Changer to wait until it is their turn. Once the Facilitator says it’s ok, the Player will propose their use of the Game Changer, saying what it is they want to use it for. This can either be out loud or in secret, if they’d rather it not yet be revealed to the other players. The Facilitator will work the Game Changer into the story and the game continues. 


  •  A dense fog rolls in as we approach the enemy outpost.
  •  A strong wind starts as we sail away, giving us some much needed speed.
  •  The icy pass collapses as we sail beneath it, covering our escape.
  •  The enemy guards are tired, cold and less alert as we approach the gates.
  •  A swarm of space-bugs surround the starships, making it harder for them to get a clear shot.